Friday, September 2, 2011

Elden's BMT Graduation

I'm not going to husband is such a stud!(when I get home I'll post more pictures) Elden graduated from Air Force Basic Training this week. AND he graduated with honors! I'm so proud of him!

Elden's parents and I flew to San Antonio on Wednesday morning and the graduation events started Thursday.  They did the Airmans 1 1/2 mile run, then the Honor Graduate ceremony (that's what this picture is of-i didn't take very good pictures), after that, the coin ceremony, and then he was given base liberty so we could hang out on base until 8.  It was REALLY hot and all of the graduation events were outside.  I always felt bad for him knowing how hot it was because he was in his uniform all the time, but holy cow! It was terrible!! He has lost quite a bit of weight! Our first stop on base was for an extremly large pizza (Elden loves his pizza!), and then we went and shopped a bit and walked around the BX, and then went and saw Harry Potter (I slept through most of it however).

Today we went to the Graduation Parade, and then we went to the squadrons to see where he's been living the past 8 1/2 weeks, and then we were able to leave base.  He gets off base tomorrow also, and then because his flight got warrior flight AND because he got honor grad he's able to get off base Sunday instead of base liberty whch is awesome since we ran out of things to do on Thursday after about an hour.

I've met a lot of the guys in his flight, they all call him Papa Warner or something like that because he was the oldest in the flight.  When we were in the squadron someone passed by us and pointed at Elden, and said to his family "this is Papa Warner-this is who we come to for all our financial advice." It was funny.  He said one night several of them came to him with pens and their notebooks, some with the top labeled "Papa Warner's financial advice". Apparently after their financial planning class they took and the comments he made, they all realized he may be older, but he's smart... :)  They also said that he "won" BMT because he got 4 ribbons, and that's the most you can get here (the two extra he got were for Honor Grad and Expert Marksman).  I think there were only 4 guys in his flight that did.  Once again-I'm so proud of him!!

On Tuesday, he found out he is leaving for Keesler Air Force Base in Mississippi on Monday for tech school for 70 days :(   Luckily I can talk to him more and go visit periodically, but the military life will definately take some getting used to! I sure do miss him when he's gone! But i'm excited to see where we'll end up for our first adventure!

1 comment:

  1. I haven't checked your blog for a while. I love that picture of Elden. Call me biased, but he is definitely the handsomest, smartest looking guy in it! Love you, Gretchen!
