Thursday, April 15, 2010


I'm not going to lie-I'm an excellent shopper! Yes-sometimes I spend WAY too much money on things I don't necessairly need, but when it comes down to it, I know how to save. Growing up in a big family, my mom used to shop with coupons for groceries (with 9 kids she kind of HAD to).  My job was to cut out the coupons, organize them and ocassionally go through them and get rid of the expired ones.  For some reason I always enjoyed it.  About a year ago I decided to try couponing myself-even though it's just Elden and I.  I had to make a game of it otherwise it can get kind of hard-so my goal was to see if I could save more than I spend- specifically more than 1/2 off (which i've been able to do plenty of times)
The purpose of this post is because I'm pretty impressed with myself today.  Since it was slow at work (and since I work from home) I decided to go grocery shopping to get some pork chops for dinner and see if I could find any chicken on sale.  I came home with 6 boxes of cereal (the good stuff too! Froot Loops, Cookie Crisp and Cheerios) 4 boxes of pop tarts, 2- 12 packs of Charmin TP, an 8pack of Bounty Paper Towels, 2 large bottles of Dawn Hand Renewal Dish Soap, 2 cartons of Bryers ice cream, 2 packs of porkchops, and a thing of sprinkles I found on the discount cart in the back of the store to add to my baking stash.  Total Spent-$34.03 .  Total Savings of $67.77 (between store sales and coupons)
Not bad huh?


  1. Dang, Gretch, that is really great! I love saving money. I'm kinda the same as you are; I totally know how to save, just have to work at it.

  2. Seriously that's awesome! I have been doing some coupon shopping but recently I've been lazy about it. I need to get my butt in gear so thanks for the inspiration!
