Saturday, November 28, 2009


This year for Thanksgiving, we spent it in Florence with my parents.  My little brother Dan and his roommate Ben came from BYU, Will and his family came down, and my grandparents came over.   After we ate, we went and shot a couple of Will's and my dad's guns.



Hailey-this little girl is WAY too cute!

 Elden & Hailey

Wednesday night we went and spent it with Elden's family and had a pre-thanksgiving. All the Warner kids were at home, so we all just sat around talking and playing with the babies


  1. where's the pictures of you shooting!! at least you didn't put the video of me screaming on there!

  2. I thought you'd appreciate me not putting the video of you scream on here.
    All elden took were videos of me so I didn't put them on here. -Plus, I look fat :)
